Thursday, January 29, 2015

Ace 2.2 - PFS 6-10: The Wounded Wisp

Pathfinder RPG, Pathfinder Society, character levels 1-2
Written by Thurston Hillman
More than 400 years have transpired since the Pathfinder Society began in a humble tavern that has quietly weathered the centuries without incident. When a routine errand there uncovers a clue left behind by one of the founding Pathfinders, it’s up to the PCs to solve a puzzle whose pieces are scattered across Absalom—and whose prize dates back to the Society’s darkest years.
"The Wounded Wisp" is an evergreen, replayable scenario designed to help introduce players to the history of the Pathfinder Society and Absalom’s greatest sites.
Here we found the secret cavern that had a slew of secret documents!

Cute castle that contained illusions and a clue where to go next!

Another secret tunnel in the bar cellar!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Ace 2.1 - PFS 1-43: The Pallid Plague

Reports from Andoran's Darkmoon Vale indicate that a new plague is causing the deaths of untold fey. The Pathfinder Society sends you there to aid the nymph queen in stopping the plague and finding and destroying its source. When the plague spreads to the human population of Falcon's Hollow, the need to find a cure grows more frantic. Can you save the many denizens of Darkmoon Vale from certain death?
This one I didn't get a chance to do any combat. Basically had nothing to do. The scenario is designed for 4 players, not 6.

Here we are diseased and trying to get cured!