Monday, April 21, 2014

Narakitul 4 - 00-08: Slave Pits of Absalom

Someone kidnapped Lady Anilah Salhar—the Chelish wife of Dremdhet Salhar, one of Osirion's many Grand Ambassadors to Absalom—and sold her into slavery. With Salhar holding delve permits over the heads of the Decemvirute, the Pathfinders are sent to assist the Osirian Ambassador. Venturing into Absalom's darkest corners to save Lady Anilah, the Pathfinders must face the secrets of the Slave Pits to avoid becoming slaves themselves.
Written by Lou Agresta

Here I played a lvl 1 pre-gene cleric. We had a lot of fun and was able to complete the campaign with the slotted amount of time.

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