Monday, May 12, 2014

Tusk 1 - 00-13 The Prince of Augustana

When an old beggar shows up filthy and injured on the doorstep of the Augustana Pathfinder Lodge in Andoran and demands to be recognized as Andoran's one true Emperor, Venture-Captain Wallace is inclined to chase him off. But when the old beggar reveals a wayfinder and tells a tale of demons and portals to another world beneath the streets of Augustana, Wallace summons you from Absalom to investigate. Will you make it through sewers, swarms, and sanctuaries to uncover the truth or will the dangers of the Augustana underworld consume you forever?
Written by Craig Shackelton
Really enjoyed this one with a pregen ranger. Which I plan to apply the points toward my druid.
Here I had Harskt run in, kill one with crossbow, and then run screaming!

In this situation we were fighting swarms of spiders that requires our flasks of fire, acid, and bag of enfeeblement

Here we quickly disposed of some gangsters and an alcemist

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