Monday, June 2, 2014

Tusk 4 - 00-04 The Frozen Fingers of Midnight

Skelg the Ripper, envoy from the Land of the Linnorm Kings, lies wasting in his villa on the outskirts of Absalom. A frigid curse followed Skelg from his northern homeland and grips his bearish heart in its frosty embrace. As the bizarre freezing ailment pushes Skelg to the brink of death, the Society dispatches you and your fellow Pathfinders to uncover the secrets of the freezing curse before Absalom falls to its icy grip.
Written by Craig Shackelton
Here I GM'ed for the second time with 6 players. We had a couple of lvl 3 players, and so the tier 1 setup I had was really easy for them to destroy the fights I had setup. It was fun to see them work out the situations that required them to think about what to do next with The Beacon of Light. And a few players could fly, which made the first real fight easy as well.


Angelo said...

Good job on your second venture as GM! I'm tentatively set to GM again a week from Monday. That'll be MY second attempt. As for Skelg & the frozen fingers, what did your players decide to do with the beacon? And did they earn their second PP??

Angelo said...

I'm assuming they at least earned the first PP lol

Earl Bingham said...

I'm sure you do better than me! Just make sure you keep your health up!