Saturday, May 23, 2015

Taw 4.1 - Plunder & Peril - Dangerous Waters

Here I GM'ed Chapter 2! Arrggghhh!

Taw 3.3 - Plunder & Peril Rum Punch

Here I GM'ed! I had an un-opened bottle of Rum! Arrrgggh!

Here the party is fighting other shipmates that don't want them to join the crew!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Merik 1.2 - The SilverHex Chronicles

For Kubla15, GM'ed SilverHex!
Here I was using the The Goblin Bank for folks to have a re-roll!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Merik 1.1 - PFS 6-16: Scions of the Sky Key, Part 3: The Golden Guardian

Pathfinder RPG, Pathfinder Society, character levels 1-5, Grand Lodge
Written by Mikko Kallio
Having bested the Aspis Consortium and recovered a powerful weapon, the PCs return to the Bandu Hills to delve into its ruins, confront the ancient guardian within, and find their missing venture-captain. Even greater secrets lie below, and the Pathfinders soon find that there is more to the so-called Golden Guardian than legends suggest. Are the PCs resourceful enough to survive the mounting danger and find Nieford Sharrowsmith?
“The Golden Guardian” is the final scenario in the three-part Scions of the Sky Key campaign arc. It is preceded by Pathfinder Society Scenario #6–12: Scions of the Sky Key, Part 1: “On Sharrowsmith’s Trail” and Pathfinder Society Scenario #6–14: Scions of the Sky Key, Part 2: “Kaava Quarry.” All three chapters are intended to be played in order.
This was a lot of fun. I played my lvl 1 rogue for the first time that did alright. It was a core group, so it felt more 'real'!
Here we are going into the dungeon!

Small kobolds are not happy we're in their home!

We found their temple room! Large murals and mosaics of dragons!

The basilisk is happy with my rations!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Voren 3.1 - PFS 2-19: Shades of Ice—Part III: Keep of the Huscarl King

Pathfinder RPG, Pathfinder Society, character levels 1-5
Written by Jesse Benner
Information in the Shadow Lodge headquarters in Whitethrone leads you into the Realm of the Mammoth Lords in search of an abandoned tower of a lost Ulfen king. The powerful weapon rumored to be there could be disastrous if it falls into the hands of those who plot the Pathfinder Society’s destruction; who will find it first?
Keep of the Huscarl King is part three of the three-part Shades of Ice campaign arc. It follows Pathfinder Society Scenario #2-15: Shades of Ice—Part I: Written in Blood and Pathfinder Society Scenario #2-17: Shades of Ice—Part II: Exiles of Winter. All three scenarios are intended to be played in order.
This was way more fun that I had expected. Our party did an amazing job of re-teaching me how to play a Magus. And deal out some serious damage to the creatures we encountered!