Thursday, June 9, 2016

JD 1 - 07-21 The Sun Orchid Scheme

PFS 7-21: The Sun Orchid Scheme Thursday, Jun 9, 6-10pm (GMT-07) Pathfinder RPG, Pathfinder Society, character levels 1-5, Sovereign Court Written by Nicholas Wasko With the power to vastly extend life, the sun orchid elixir is one of the most prized items in the Inner Sea—and as a result one of the most dangerous to transport. After his shipments of sun orchid elixir vanished without a trace two years in a row, the ruler of Pashow is desperate to ensure that his next delivery goes off without a hitch. In order to test its security, Pashow has hired a team of Pathfinders to execute their finest heist and test the convoy’s defenses. Are the PCs up to the challenge? Content in “The Sun Orchid Scheme” also contributes directly to the ongoing storyline of the Sovereign Court faction. This was kindof interesting because of the mini-game that was at the beginning to prepare our secret mission to get the glowing flasks!

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