Monday, December 29, 2014

Tusk 7.3 - PFS 0-28: Lyrics of Extinction

The fabled ruined city of Dokeran, deep inside the heart of the Mwangi Expanse, has been found and it's your job as a Pathfinder to explore it and discover how it fell. After fighting through fiends, enslaved warriors, and the damned spirits of Dokeran's dead, you find that the ruined city has a dark secret—one you might not survive.

Here I GM'ed this one and it went ok. The maps were not accurate and the final boss was easily destroyed by the players. The game is set for a smaller group, but I didn't want to add more creatures to it and then have someone get killed.

Finally had time to organize my roleplaying stuff!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Ace 1.3 - PF Mod: Dawn of the Scarlet Sun

Pathfinder RPG, Pathfinder Society, character levels 4-6
Written by James Jacobs
The coastal city of Magnimar is no stranger to crime, yet recently, a series of murders has sent a chill through the early morning streets. Someone—or something—is stalking and killing worshipers of Sarenrae, the goddess of the sun. The city guard is prepared to ambush the murderer, but they need help—help of the kind that adventurers are so good at providing. What is the sinister truth behind these violent acts?
Dawn of the Scarlet Sun is a Pathfinder RPG adventure for six 5th-level characters—such as the six iconic heroes provided. In addition, this adventure can be integrated into the Shattered Star Pathfinder Adventure Path, and uses the villains featured in the Pathfinder Battles Champions of Evil Encounter Pack.
Ummmmm - Wow! My table survived! But another table actually had half the party get litterally killed. Amazing.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Tusk 7.2 - PFS 3-04: The Kortos Envoy

The centaur tribes of the Isle of Kortos have long been an enigma to the people of Absalom. But the Pathfinder Society needs the help of one of the horsemen’s greatest heroes, in it falls to you to negotiate an agreement between the Decemvirate and the centaurs of the plains.

Fun game, enjoyed it.

Fighting Harpies! They love to "Captivate"!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Tusk 7.1 - 5-99 The Paths We Choose

Pathfinder RPG, Pathfinder Society, character levels 3-7
The failure of Mendev's wardstones set in motion not only a new crusade but also catalyzed a change in the Pathfinder Society's various factions. As the Pathfinders prepare to march on the Sky Citadel Jormurdun, members of the various factions scramble to consolidate their gains and neutralize their enemies. "The Paths We Choose" is a special event designed to highlight the changes in each faction over the course of Season 5, The Year of the Demon, and the adventure is different for each group depending on which factions are represented at the table.
Here I had 5 players that played the upper tier. It was fun, but a lot of work since I had to prep 7 mini adventures, even though we only played through 3 of them.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Ace 1.1 - SilverHex Chronicles - Episode 1

Played a pre-gen through the first silverhex chronicles.

Vadid 1.3 - PFS 0-05: Mists of Mwangi

Pathfinder RPG, Pathfinder Society, character levels 1-5
Written by Nicolas Logue
Pathfinder Lugizar Trantos recently returned from the Mwangi Expanse with haunted eyes and a pack full of strange idols. Absalom's famed Blakros Museum purchased his pieces and Lugizar vanished. The strange monkey idols he pulled from the misty jungles of Mwangi carry with them a fell curse, and now their power has laid claim to the museum. Can the Pathfinder Society uncover the source of the curse in time, or will the Blackros Museum be forever lost to the mists of Mwangi?
Here I prepared minis and map

We had a wizard that had a special spell he could cast that would view the contents of rooms. Which then helped the group discover to go to the final room. After destroying the wooden idols and defeating the big Gorilla they completed the 2 quests. Which then had us finish the game an hour early.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Vadid 1.2 - PFS 3–23: The Goblinblood Dead

Pathfinder RPG, Pathfinder Society, character levels 1-5
Written by Jerall Toi
More than a decade has passed since the Goblinblood Wars left the nation of Isger in shambles, and the Pathfinder Society uses the many abandoned roads through the county's interior to smuggle valuable relics. But when a series of attacks on the Varisian caravans carrying the illicit cargo puts the route in jeopardy, it falls to the PCs to investigate and rid the region of the threat to the Society's operations.

Here I have the caravan the party is guarding and the wizard just cast a web spell on the undead Bugbears

Monday, November 17, 2014

Voren 2.3 - PFS 0-17: Perils of the Pirate Pact

PFS 0-17: Perils of the Pirate Pact

Pathfinder RPG, Pathfinder Society, character levels 1-7
Written by Matthieu Dayon
When the Black Marquis lost all of the men he could trust on a failed treasure hunt, he did the only thing he could: turned to the Pathfinder Society for help. Offering an ancient lost text in return for assistance, the Black Marquis of Deadbridge sends you deep into the spider-haunted Echo Wood of the River Kingdoms to track down his missing pirates and recover an ancient treasure for the Society. You'll face brigands, pirates, spiders and more—but will you survive the perils of the Pirate Pact?
Final battle, where we find out there is nothing to find here in the spider cave...

ship to ship combat, our casters took them out

Monday, November 10, 2014

Tusk 6.3 - PFS 3-02: Sewer Dragons of Absalom

Pathfinder RPG, Pathfinder Society, character levels 3-7
Written by Dennis Baker
Absalom is Golarion’s busiest and most populous city, but one of its largest populations goes largely unnoticed. You must venture into the sewers beneath the City at the Center of the World to stop the meddling dragons within from disrupting a vital Pathfinder Society operation.
Someone let me use an bright orange mini for my ape!

We fell into a pit of garbage and some monsters showed up!

Long view

Monday, November 3, 2014

Vaddid Peabottoms 1.1 - We Be Goblins

I GM'ed We Be Goblins for the second time with a group of folks who hadn't signed up for other games. I had signed up for a full table and didn't want to play in an adventure with a large party. So it was fun to GM it again. I think everyone had fun, even though I gave everyone 2 Prestige Points when they should've only received 1 prestige point.
Here I painted a friend of mine's crow, and I have a couple of the Goblins I used in the We Be Goblins adventure

Monday, October 27, 2014

Narakitul 6.3 - PFS 5-23: Cairn of Shadows (levels 5-9)

The innumerable cairns and burial mounds of Barrowmoor in northern Nidal contain untold treasures and terrors, and the local taboos and Nidalese theocracy are typically enough to keep any but the boldest from exploring the site; however, when the Blakros family informs the Pathfinder Society that their shared enemy is in pursuit of a dangerous artifact, the PCs must brave the shadow-stricken region to keep this object from falling into the wrong hands.

Top view of the chains hanging down that we had to get around.

Here we had finally climbed up the chains to the top most platform, that was filled with bad guys from the shadow plane!

This was a fun adventure where we were able to take out the bad guys with the help of our adventurers kicking butt quickly.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Taw 3.1 PF Mod: Emerald Spire—The Cellars (levels 1-3)

The foundations of the tower are a confusing maze of vermin-infested chambers and clever pit traps. A dangerous undead spellcaster known as Gorloth, the Bone Priest, ambushes adventurers who blunder into the pits and spiderwebs.
Written by Ed Greenwood

Here we were fighting undead, cute markers for numbering the creatures.
Beginning with 7 players
This was an interesting dungeon crawl that had loads of traps and spiders. The final boss was a wash since he would have dogged us endlessly.

Taw 2.3 PFS 6–01: Trial by Machine (levels 1-5)

More than a millennium has passed since the "machine mage" Karamoss's failed siege of Absalom, and for years the Pathfinder Society has used upper reaches of his subterranean siege tower as a training ground for initiates. During a routine drill, the once-dormant dungeon springs to life, and it will take all the PCs' resourcefulness and skill to make it out alive.
Written by Sean McGowen
This game went smoothly. The DR 5 of the robots I didn't take into account, which would have made them a little bit harder to this. Also screwed up a surprise round that I had setup.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Tusk 6.2 - PFS 0-16: To Scale the Dragon (levels 5-9)

The last remains of a sage from an age long past rests high atop the snow-covered tips of the Fog Peaks in Southern Galt and the Society wants his bones in order to study them and learn from them. They've sent you into a wintry wilderness of primordial beastmen and snow creatures not seen below the snow line to do just that. With the Aspis Consortium also seeking the bones, the race is on to beat them to the top and, once the bones are recovered, to make it back down alive.
Written by Tim Hitchcock
Here my character Tusk died, attempting to attack a 'huge' creature that was resistent to fire. And if you physically attacked it, you would take serious fire damage.

The room where Tusk and our Gunslinger died

Here we are first starting to use the dog sleds...

Monday, September 15, 2014

Voren 2.2 PFS 05-04: The Stolen Heir (levels 1-5)

The Mendevian Crusade draws heavily on the Pathfinder Society’s resources, and unless the Decemvirate can secure the assistance of generous patrons, the society may not have sufficient capital both to fight off the demonic invasion and to prepare its expedition to a lost historical site within the Worldwound. Upon hearing that the daughter of an eminent and wealthy of citizen of Sauerton has gone missing, the Pathfinders rush to her aid in the hope of earning her father’s goodwill and support in upcoming endeavors.
Written by David N. Ross
Factions: Andoran and Taldor
Here someone has gone invisible! And their mini changed to glass!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Taw 2.2 PF Mod: We Be Goblins Too! (level 3) Pacificon 2014

This was my last game GM'ing and we really enjoyed it. I borrowed the maps and print out of the characters from Wendy-Ann and John.

Taw 2.1 PFS 5-24: Assault on the Wound (levels 3-7) Pacificon 2014

I GM'ed this one as well. Here I learned how this large armed forces game works. We finally enjoyed it once we understood the rules. I had gone over it a number of times and still wasn't sure how it would work. We were able to use pyramids and poker chips for staking and represented the good and bad guys. Pacificon 2014

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Taw 1.3 PFS 5-20: The Sealed Gate (levels 7-11)

I had a full table with senior players. All of which I had really high level characters that were able to do stuff I could only Dream of. But with the help of Vu I was able to get everyone through the scenario. Since I had only a few hours of sleep from Thursday night, Friday night, and Saturday night. The help was crucial. I learned a lot about GM'ing higher level games, etc.

Taw 1.2 PF Mod: We Be Goblins (for kids 7-12 and their parents) (levels 1-2)

Had 4 kids and 2 fathers at my table. The kids really enjoyed it and a father new to PFS because really interested in it. Which I hope doesn't detract his Son from enjoying it. Always seemed like things my dad was into I stopped enjoying around that age. But all the boys thanked me afterwards for GM'ing it. And they had enjoyed it because I listened to all the cool interesting ways they wanted to complete the mission.

Taw 1.1 - 6-02: The Silver Mount Collection (levels 3-7)

I jumped into this one with a GM that I know. I played a pre-gen Samari and had a lot of fun. Others did a great job of healing me while I played the meat shield!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Voren PFS 6-00: Legacy of the Stonelords (Season 6 special) (levels 1-11)

This was interesting. We had numerous groups playing, with a moderator that actually had a video screen displaying progress of the tables. I was playing my Magos Voren and John Francis was GM'ing. It was like Gandalf with Frodo. But I was helping as much as Frodo did...

Our team was tired. But I was doing double damage to the robots in the scenario.

PFS 5-19: The Horn of Aroden (levels 1-5)

Played this one before. Made the mistake of scheduling myself for a scenario I had already played before. Which I didn't get any credit for. It was fun, even though I was exhausted.

PFS 5-12: Destiny of the Sands—Part 1: A Bitter Bargain (levels 1-5) Pacificon 2014

been there, done that. Stupid mistake.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Tusk 5.1 PFS 5-99: The Paths We Choose (levels 3-7)

Second game into the Friday evening!

here is were I died from doppleganger

Air vortex

Rich guy comes to bank in disguise as old lady

inspecting the rich man's house and not finding anything

Narakitul 6.2 PFS 0-05: Mists of Mwangi (levels 1-5)

First game I'm playing at Pacificon!

My druid and his ape companion

The PFS room with 7 active tables

Final battle with large Ape we had to fight

Monday, August 25, 2014

Voren 1.3 - 03-SP: Blood Under Absalom (levels 1-11)

The Ruby Phoenix Tournament is nigh, and organizations and individuals throughout the Inner Sea are scrambling to secure a spot in the legendary Tian fighting competition, among them the Pathfinder Society. In an underground qualifier event overseen by an enigmatic old monk and his oni spokesman, the Pathfinders must overcome the opposition to ensure the Society can send representatives to distant Goka to compete in the Ruby Phoenix Tournament itself. Battles will rage and blood will flow under the streets of Absalom, and only the greatest combatants will emerge victorious.
Written by Tim Hitchcock

I am GM'ing Tier 5-6, potentially 8-9. The we skipped Act 5 since we only have 4 hours to game.

Mr. Hung gives a go with the group

Quadira Assassins attack at night
And here come the Elementals!

Save the Ronin Situation

The Sewers Fight

The Arena Fight

The Devil's Dregs Mob fight

Monday, August 18, 2014

Voren 1.2 - PFS 5-19: The Horn of Aroden (levels 1-5)

For months Taldor faction leader Lady Gloriana Morilla has mustered a small army to aid the Mendevian Crusade; however, without a powerful, unifying icon to rally around, progress is slow. When her agents learned of a dormant relic that might be awakened, she petitioned the Pathfinder Society for its aid in recovering this so-called Horn of Aroden, knowing that the Society would benefit from her army’s hastened arrival. The PCs travel to Brevoy, a fragmented land of dueling, cold, and conquest to secure this horn, though in doing so they join an ongoing plot of politics and intrigue.
Content in “The Horn of Aroden” also contributes directly to the ongoing storyline of the Taldor faction.
Written by Nicholas Herold

One of the first fights

Monday, August 11, 2014

Narakitul - lvl 6.1 - PS#Mod: Thornkeep: Dark Menagerie (levels 5-7)

In life, the wizard who ruled this realm kept many trophies, mementos, and even captured pets from his journeys, both to entertain his dark sensibilities and to cow his business associates and coerced allies. Now, kept alive all these years via stasis-inducing magic that's recently failed, the unfettered beasts of his magical menagerie run amok.
Written by Ed Greenwood
This was a lot of fun where
One of the rooms that had a cute owl that our gunslinger one-shot!

Here we are initially teleported into the dungeon with a floating head
we almost died with water tunnels!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Narakitul lvl 5.1 - PFS AP#43 Carrion Crown: The Haunting of Harrowstone

Chapter 1: "Haunting of Harrowstone"
by Michael Kortes
When Harrowstone Prison burned to the ground, prisoners, guards, and a host of vicious madmen met a terrifying end. In the years since, the nearby town of Ravengro has shunned the fire-scarred ruins, telling tales of unquiet spirits that wander abandoned cellblocks. But when a mysterious evil disturbs Harrowstone’s tenuous spiritual balance, a ghostly prison riot commences that threatens to consume the nearby village in madness and flames. Can the adventurers discover the secrets of Harrowstone and quell a rebellion of the dead? Or will they be the spirit-prison’s next inmates?
Written by Michael Kortes
This was a lot of fun. We spent 3 days clearing out an old prison that required a little bit of intel to ensure we killed each of the 5 main ghosts, as well as recover the badge.
Initial gathering were we helped a crowd not hurt themselves. I killed a floating head with my crossbow!

Our first entering the prison!

Scary spider mini's!

Cat fight!