Monday, December 1, 2014

Vadid 1.3 - PFS 0-05: Mists of Mwangi

Pathfinder RPG, Pathfinder Society, character levels 1-5
Written by Nicolas Logue
Pathfinder Lugizar Trantos recently returned from the Mwangi Expanse with haunted eyes and a pack full of strange idols. Absalom's famed Blakros Museum purchased his pieces and Lugizar vanished. The strange monkey idols he pulled from the misty jungles of Mwangi carry with them a fell curse, and now their power has laid claim to the museum. Can the Pathfinder Society uncover the source of the curse in time, or will the Blackros Museum be forever lost to the mists of Mwangi?
Here I prepared minis and map

We had a wizard that had a special spell he could cast that would view the contents of rooms. Which then helped the group discover to go to the final room. After destroying the wooden idols and defeating the big Gorilla they completed the 2 quests. Which then had us finish the game an hour early.

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