Monday, December 8, 2014

Tusk 7.1 - 5-99 The Paths We Choose

Pathfinder RPG, Pathfinder Society, character levels 3-7
The failure of Mendev's wardstones set in motion not only a new crusade but also catalyzed a change in the Pathfinder Society's various factions. As the Pathfinders prepare to march on the Sky Citadel Jormurdun, members of the various factions scramble to consolidate their gains and neutralize their enemies. "The Paths We Choose" is a special event designed to highlight the changes in each faction over the course of Season 5, The Year of the Demon, and the adventure is different for each group depending on which factions are represented at the table.
Here I had 5 players that played the upper tier. It was fun, but a lot of work since I had to prep 7 mini adventures, even though we only played through 3 of them.

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