Monday, July 28, 2014

Narakitul lvl 4.1 - Pathfinder Adventure Path #55: The Wormwood Mutiny

Chapter 1: "The Wormwood Mutiny" by Richard Pett
Pirates take whatever they please, whether it be ships, plunder, or people! The adventurers wake to find themselves press-ganged into the crew of the pirate ship Wormwood, the vessel of the nefarious Captain Barnabus Harrigan. They’ll have to learn how to survive as pirates if they’re to have any hope of weathering rough waves, brutal crew members, enemy pirates, ravenous beasts, and worse. But when fortune turns to their favor, it’s up to the new crew to decide whether they’ll remain the pirate’s swabs or seize control and set sail for adventures all their own.

This was a deadly adventure that is worth 3 XP that we gained. Now I have a lot of work to do for my cleric.
Final fight in water! We killed mommy and now baby wants to kill us!

Eating Baklava while playing!

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