Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Tusk lvl 4.3 - PFS-5-EX Ruins of Bonekeep The Silent Grave (levels 3-7)

This Pathfinder Society Special is only available to be run by 4+ star GM's and Venture Officers
An enemy of the Pathfinder Society recently found a hidden dungeon in a centuries-old siege fortress, but despite his best efforts to convert it into his base of operations, he failed. When a pair of Pathfinders encounter disaster while scouting out the entrance, the party must explore the first level of the dungeon to determine not just what attacked their comrades but also what dark power their nemesis nearly acquired.
Written by Jason Bulmahn
Here Tusk met his match! The dungeon crawl was rough! We got to the final boss, but then had to run for our lives as the flying alchemist threw down potions that would hit us very hard! I learned that a Druid's flaming sphere and Nature's Ally can only do so much!
First room - stone statues come to life!

Second to last room, where we met the first of many very tough monsters!

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