Monday, July 7, 2014

Tusk lvl 4.2 - PFS 1-52: The City of Strangers Part 2 - The Twofold Demise

A powerful local gang in Kaer Maga demands that you end the threat of the Shadow Lodge at once as the Lodge's very existence upsets the delicate local balance of power. Refusal means both the expulsion of the Pathfinder Society from Kaer Maga forever and your untimely deaths. The choice is yours.
The Twofold Demise is the second and final scenario in the The City of Strangers campaign arc and is the sequel to Pathfinder Society Scenario #51: The City of Strangers—Part I: The Shadow Gambit.
Written by Joshua J. Frost
Here my character Tusk did some awesome spells and damage, but one of the final sorceresses got me! Went down to -3 hit points! Fortunately my group was able to heal me fairly quickly.
Here my Druid just killed a bad guy with Product Flame. Lvl 1 spell that did some damage!

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