Sunday, February 15, 2015

Narakitul - 7.2 PFS 6-09: By Way of Bloodcove (levels 3-7)

For centuries the city of Bloodcove has controlled access to the invaluable Vanji River, and for nearly as long, the Aspis Consortium has controlled Bloodcove. If the Pathfinder Society is to move the equipment and personnel it needs into the Mwangi Expanse, it needs a reliable means of smuggling resources through this unforgiving settlement operated by its enemies. It’s up to the PCs to establish a backdoor through Bloodcove—all without being caught by Aspis agents.
Written by Justin Juan
Factions: The Exchange
Here I thought the GM did an amazing job with this one. But I didn't like the fact everyone at my table was playing with their laptops through the entire adventure. Felt more like work with everyone hiding behind their laptops. My sinuses were in full swing and I couldn't talk with laryngitis...

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