Sunday, February 15, 2015

Tusk 7.1 - PFS 4-08: The Cultist's Kiss (levels 7-11)

An active cell of the cult of Lissala—ancient goddess of runes and obedience—has been discovered in the Varisian town of Palin's Cove. Seeking a chance to learn about this long-lost faith not from millennia-old relics but from its current practice, a team of Pathfinders travels to the industrial seaside settlement to uncover the secret coven and infiltrate its services in the guise of prospective converts. Will the Pathfinders discover the knowledge they seek, or will the evil cult subvert them with its vile and seductive faith?
Written by Sam Zeitlin
The GM had only an hour to prep and did an amazing job. This was fun, but my Druid wasn't really prepared for this one. I hadn't time to work on my character in preparation for this one.

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