Monday, June 22, 2015

Merik 2.1 - 06-18: From Under Ice

Pathfinder RPG, Pathfinder Society, character levels 1-5, Grand Lodge and Scarab Sages
Written by Andrew Hoskins
Rumors of an ancient settlement and its priceless treasure locked beneath Irrisen’s perpetual ice have reached the Society’s ears. The Pathfinders set out to the Land of the Linnorm Kings with a precious cargo of trade goods to buy their way into the witch-ruled nation, but even approaching Irrisen is fraught with danger. Can the PCs navigate the frozen wastes and recover the relics within, or will the icy climate claim their lives?
Content in “From Under Ice” contributes directly to the Year of the Sky Key metaplot as well as the ongoing storyline of the Grand Lodge and Scarab Sages factions.
Our boat is being picked up by guards!

We have melted the ice, but then a talking beast has attacked us from behind!

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