Sunday, September 1, 2019

(? ?) PFS1 1-33: Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible

Ran this at Pacificon! It was fun to run this, with folks who were groggy from gaming all weekend!

Thursday, January 31, 2019

(JD 7) 05-22 Scars of the Third Crusade

This was an interesting one in regard to having to do a lot of murder mystery investigation. It has the least amount of combat that I've ever seen. That could be do to all the high rolls we were making for investigating.

final combat at the end!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

(Rillka 9 and 10) PFS 10-07: Mysteries Under Moonlight, Part 1 and 2: The Howling Dance

This was my only PFS game I played at GobbleCon in Burlingame. It was fun since we had some challenging detective work, as well as combat. We had a character die, but then I was able to apply my talisman of breath of life before they could die.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

(Perna 2) 09-22 Grotto of the Deluged God

This one was ok, really felt like so many other PF games I've been in. Wasn't really into it.

Here we are going through the coral and sand to get to the ship stuff 

Thursday, September 20, 2018

(Ace 12) 10-02 Bones of Biting Ants

This was fun to run. I didn't like the Intrigue mechanics of the party befriending Struinvolk, since it was confusing how to convey what the discovery checks and influence checks added up to. Keeping track of Stuinvolk's attitude was interesting at times.

here the party is getting ready for sleep when a Mngwa attacks! Rrrarrr!

She-Who-Eats is not happy with her the party!

Saturday, September 1, 2018

(Merik 14) 10-00 The Hao Jin Cataclysm

Here I played in the Pathfinder Saturday Night Special 10-00 The Hao Jin Cataclysm with friends that I have at Pacificon.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Narakitul 19 - PF Mod: Doom Comes to Dustpawn Part 1 of 2

Fun one, was a little nerfed that my Fish Command spells didn't do anything to the aquatic creatures...
Here Angelo is having us almost die!

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Narakitul 18 - PF Mod: The Emerald Spire Superdungeon, Level 11: The Tomb of Yarrix

This was short and sweet! Nara was able to do some healing and act as meat shield a little bit. Then Sleet Storm came in handy with Elementals.

Nara starts to cross a stone bridge and something big comes up from below!

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Tusk 34 - PF Mod: The Emerald Spire Superdungeon, Level 10: The Magma Vault

This was fun to play and I contributed a little bit against the first creatures!
here we are getting close to the end!

Monday, May 29, 2017

JD ? 04-01 Rise of the Goblin Guild

This was ok... We spent a good amount of time in the beginning with the Goblin Chase scene, then had to hurry through the combats in the sewers. Didn't like the fact we had to rush, but at level 4, the combats are just as long as higher level combats.

Here the party is in the alchemist area of the sewers of Magnimar!

Saturday, May 27, 2017

PF Mod: Murder's Mark

Ran this Module on Sunday. The party raced through the content so they could get into another game in the afternoon. It was fun to run. The party got into the whole crime scene investigation. The party was able to defeat one of the main bad guys quickly, which helped them resolve the final part quickly as well.

Then at the end they helped defeat the main bad boss in her alchemist shop before going to the entire underground area.

Friday, May 26, 2017

JD 4 08-05 Ungrounded but Unbroken

This I ran at KublaCon Friday night. I had some junior players and it was fun. Acted like a drill Sergeant!

The maps printed out for other GM's to use

Tao 17 08-15 Hrethnar's Throne (GM'ed)

Ran this adventure on Friday with some old friends of mine. I had played this adventure a couple of months ago. So I thought I could run it just fine.

The first combat situation is a doozy for the higher tier. Galvos have a mean punch!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Tao 16 - PFS 8-15: Hrethnar's Throne

Pathfinder RPG, Pathfinder Society, character levels 5-9
Written by Tom Phillips
The mist-shrouded Gloomspires have defied local seafarers and treasure hunters for centuries, but Venture-Captain Calisro Benarry has nearly unlocked the secrets of the spire where the dread pirate Sevenfingers hid his treasure. Great prizes beget jealous rivals, though, and the PCs must be prepared to fend off all others who desire Sevenfingers's riches—rivals both past and present.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

JD - 3 - 08-01 Portent's Peril

Pathfinder RPG, Pathfinder Society, character levels 1-5
Written by Scott Sharplin
Even in an age where prophecy rarely comes true, many in Varisia hold the mysterious Harrow cards and their predictions in high esteem. The Pathfinder Society’s ally Zeeva Foxglove recently received a Harrow reading as repayment for her generosity, but a rare card appeared and portended imminent doom. Now that these terrible predictions are coming true, Zeeva realizes she cannot weather this storm alone. It’s up to the PCs to save this friend and philanthropist—perhaps by changing fate entirely.
The final fight scene, where we needed to run up and stop the lady from eating the poison.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Branya 08-00 The Cosmic Captive

This was fun to play. Lot of maps and combat. Fast paced. Really nice to play at my Venture Captains house.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

JD 2 - 07-22 Bid for Alabastrine

Decades ago, the merchant nation of Druma anticipated a wave of migrants and built the city Alabastrine to accommodate them. The mass migration never happened. Always seeking a return on investment, Druma recently began auctioning off control of the city to the highest bidders and wealthiest entrepreneurs for five years at a time. The next auction begins soon, and the powerful Aspis Consortium gold agent Myrosype—an enemy of the Society responsible for countless Pathfinders’ deaths—is poised to take control of the whole city for her own nefarious ends. The Society has secured a few invitations for the PCs to attend the auction. Can they disrupt the event’s delicate politics in order to stop their rival, or will the Aspis Consortium gain an unassailable stronghold?
Content in “Bid for Alabastrine” contributes directly to the ongoing storyline of the Exchange Faction. Content in this scenario also ties into a special metaplot element from Pathfinder Society Special #6-98: "Serpents Rise". Players who have completed that special event are encouraged to bring its Chronicle sheet when playing this adventure.
Our minor skirmish on the road to Druma

This scenario required a lot of skill usage and role playing. No combat!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

JD 1 - 07-21 The Sun Orchid Scheme

PFS 7-21: The Sun Orchid Scheme Thursday, Jun 9, 6-10pm (GMT-07) Pathfinder RPG, Pathfinder Society, character levels 1-5, Sovereign Court Written by Nicholas Wasko With the power to vastly extend life, the sun orchid elixir is one of the most prized items in the Inner Sea—and as a result one of the most dangerous to transport. After his shipments of sun orchid elixir vanished without a trace two years in a row, the ruler of Pashow is desperate to ensure that his next delivery goes off without a hitch. In order to test its security, Pashow has hired a team of Pathfinders to execute their finest heist and test the convoy’s defenses. Are the PCs up to the challenge? Content in “The Sun Orchid Scheme” also contributes directly to the ongoing storyline of the Sovereign Court faction. This was kindof interesting because of the mini-game that was at the beginning to prepare our secret mission to get the glowing flasks!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Perna 1 - 00-01 The Silent Tide

Pathfinder RPG, Pathfinder Society, character levels 1-5
Written by Michael Kortes
When strange reports of misty undead spread through Absalom, you and your fellow Pathfinders are dispatched to the half-drowned district of Puddles. Notoriously rough, the drooling addicts, flesh panderers, and quick-handed knifers of Puddles are the least of your worries. The night's tide brings with it an ancient armada of some long-forgotten war and you are the only thing between their mist-shrouded ghost fleet and Absalom's utter oblivion.
This is considered to be the first PFS scenario every released. Here we had to do a little bit of work and some fights. I found out that my special race character requires 2 BOONS to play legally... Irritating!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Narakitul 17 - 07-17 Thralls of the Shattered God

After two years of blood and bravery, the Fifth Mendevian Crusade has struck a terrible blow to the Worldwound’s demons and reclaimed lost territory. The Pathfinder Society, as one of the crusade’s partners in this endeavor, has earned the right to explore and salvage what it can of the lost Sarkorian sites under Mendev’s control, and it has identified one ruin as a priority. In fact, the site seems to actively call to one agent in particular, a scarred survivor of abyssal experiments. Venture-Captain Jorsal of Lauterbury has asked the PCs to accompany this agent into the wasteland, where perhaps she might learn how to control her demonic half—or purge it completely. Content in “Thralls of the Shattered God” also contributes directly to the ongoing storyline of the Silver Crusade faction. Don't remember doing this one! WoW!

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Vadid 4 - 05-21 The Merchant's Wake

Really enjoyed running this game at Game Kastle in Mountain View. Really large gaming store!
Here is the temple that the Wake is at. Here I used 8x11 paper from gamingpaper dot com
Here is Game Kastle in Mountain View. Large gaming store!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Sallahtar 6 - 07-18 Faithless and Forgotten, Part 3: The Infernal Inheritance

This was fun. My Necroccultist is now level 3!
Here we had two players that had spirits they can talk to that went into the main torture chamber area.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Sallahtar 5 - 07-14 Faithless and Forgotten, Part 1: Let Bygones Be

Pathfinder RPG, Pathfinder Society, character levels 1-5
Written by Brian J. Fruzen
Ever since the tragedy at Delvehaven decades ago, the infernal empire Cheliax has rarely allowed Pathfinders to explore its many ruins and archaeological treasures—even then only after its recently disenfranchised liaison Zarta Dralneen fought for that privilege. Cheliax has once again extended its hand to the Society, inviting its agents to investigate an abandoned keep that dates back to the Chelish civil war. It’s up to the PCs to navigate the Corentyn’s streets and politics as they uncover the buried past and lay the foundation for a new partnership with a one-time foe.
“Let Bygones Be” is the first scenario in the three-part Faithless and Forgotten campaign arc. It is followed by Pathfinder Society Scenario #7-16: “Lost Colony of Taldor” and Pathfinder Society Scenario #7-18: “The Infernal Inheritance.” All three chapters are intended to be played in order.

Here we had fun running through this scenario. I was using my Wayang Necrocultist that was busy summoning undead and familiars!
Here we have battle of the back scratchers!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Min Max Motherfucker

Happy Jacks RPG Podcast Season 08 Episode 07
At 1:51:38 One Hour, Fifty One Minutes, and 38 Seconds

I'm Min Maxed maxed maxed maxed...
I'm Min Maxed maxed maxed

You may think to call me a munchkin but that would be incorrect
because every time I walk the line all the munchkins genuflect!
I'm the F. Lee Baily a hero the Johnnie Cochran of Gurps
I'll twist your rules like the pennies of some nerd that thinks I'm the worst!


I'm min maxed out to the max motherfucker
I'm the gather on mixed,  I'm a tweaked out trucker
I'm min maxed out to the max motherfucker
I will wreak those rules and I don't even pucker!

They call me the game changer, sometimes they call me a the curse
but them all just sour grapes cuz all them bubbles is burst
cuz they know I can win this game they know I'll be the tops
the only time I won't bring game is when the combat stops. YARN!

I'm min maxed out to the max motherfucker
I'm the gather on mixed,  I'm a tweaked out trucker
I'm min maxed out to the max motherfucker
I will wreak those rules and I don't even pucker!

The game cancelled that's ok, reschedule at your leisure
In the meantime I'll work on my character sheet and when you see it you'll have a seizure!
Don't mind the erasure marks I know my dice are kind of small
but if it wasn't for me motherfucker's you wouldn't have any game at all! Yeah!


I'm min maxed out to the max motherfucker
I'm the gather on mixed,  I'm a tweaked out trucker
I'm min maxed out to the max motherfucker
I will wreak those rules and I don't even pucker!

I'm min maxed out to the max motherfucker
I'm the gather on mixed,  I'm a tweaked out trucker
I'm min maxed out to the max motherfucker
I will wreak those rules and I don't even pucker!

I'm min maxed out to the max motherfucker
I'm the gather on mixed,  I'm a tweaked out trucker
I'm min maxed out to the max motherfucker
I will wreak those rules and I don't even pucker!

I'm min maxed
I'm min maxed maxed

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Tao 7.2 - 03-24: The Golden Serpent

The Pathfinder Society sends a team of agents to meet an important contact in an unassuming restaurant in Absalom’s Ivy District, but not everything is as it seems. What the Pathfinders find there will lead them into a lion’s den of danger and intrigue in the City at the Center of the World.

Here I played my Shaman that was kind of useless. I had forgotten my characters sheets that I had spent hours working on over the weekend. I used an old template version of my Shaman that I had on my iPad....
Here our GM was hiding the rooms that we were going by

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Stupid Repeat - Don't Do This!

Sunday I made a big mistake. I re-played a scenario that I have already played in the past. I used one of my characters that I've been playing. Here I almost died a couple of times. I didn't receive any credit, but I did put my character into jeopardy of dying. Make sure to always play a pre-gen when re-running a scenario that you have already run in the past...

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Voren 3.3 - The Goblin Guild

Here Voren helped a little bit by being a meat shield and running into combat. He was a frustrated Magus due to his inability to cast spells and hit with his rapier...

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Tusk 9.3 - The Blackros Connection

A recent attack on the Grand Lodge became all the more heinous when one of the invading agents employed an eldritch relic to abduct a high-ranking Pathfinder. In order to release the captive, the Society must understand the relic and track down the fleeing operative—a mission that leads the PCs into Absalom's most prestigious archives to uncover a dark secret.
Content in "The Blakros Connection" also ties into a special metaplot element from Pathfinder Society Special #6-98: Serpents Rise. Players who have completed that special event are encouraged to bring its Chronicle sheet when playing this adventure.

This was a lot of fun to GM. I was really worried about time. But the party was very experienced and a couple help lead the group to go through the research and combats quickly. We finished just 10 minutes over the 4 hour time slot!

The first research situation, here I helped speed this up by calculating the leader and supporting team members beforehand.

The party is fighting the Hungry Fog and Deathweb. We had a few folks that hit hard

Here is the beginning of the Mindscape

The final boss, here the party is doing some serious damage to the Feargaunt.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Tusk 9.2 - The Harrowing Part 3

Here we finally went against the final boss. A blue dragon! My character summon nature's ally level 4 and transformed into a dire bat. He was able to flank the dragon, which gave flanking bonuses to our main fighter who was able to take the dragon down. It was nice that I was somewhat helpful.
Our first encounter on the walking castle. Dumb Ogres that don't realize they should be messing with us.

Here we were fighting 3 Succubuses that had easily charmed us...

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Tusk 8.2 - The Harrowing - Part Two

Tonight we had another adventure in the Harrowing mindscape world of make believe. Very much like Alice in Wonderland, but all the characters are mysteriously tied to Harrow Deck cards! Our assortment of interesting characters wield Monk/Warpriest might blows, Celestria Sensual Spells, and Alchemical Bombs!

Huge Air elemental required some kick ass!

Legions of Undead attack us while Tusk turned into Air Elemental and tried to destroy the Moon!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Rillka 2.1 - 07-10 The Consortium Compact

The Aspis Consortium pays well, but few can stand its underhanded tactics for long. One operative fed up with the Consortium's practices has contacted the Pathfinder Society with a tempting offer: assist her in leaving the organization, and she will supply the Society with years of insider intelligence about their longstanding rival. It's up to the PCs to navigate Diobel—a proud town run by cutthroat smugglers—earn the defector's trust, and deal a telling blow to their Aspis foes.
"The Consortium Compact" is an evergreen, replayable scenario designed to help introduce players to the Pathfinder Society, the Isle of Kortos, and one of the Society's longstanding rivals.
Written by Mike Kimmel
Here our GM did an excellent job running this game. We had some interesting situations with the tasks assigned. But overall we finally completed the final assignment.
Here our GM used a large flat screen to display the maps and story line!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Tusk 8.2 - The Harrowing

An adventure for 9th-level characters

Varisian fortune-tellers from across Golarion use the mystic harrow deck to read fate and predict the future, but few have ever mastered the mysterious harrow to such a degree as Sonnorae, a long-dead bard from the Age of Darkness. Fearing her collection of stories would be lost when she died, she created a demiplane within her own harrow deck to contain them. Over time, these stories took on lives of their own, and melded with the images on the cards themselves. But not all stories have happy endings, and the storykin who inhabit the Harrowed Realm have their own motivations and plots for power or even escape into the real world. When the PCs find themselves drawn into the Harrowed Realm in search of a disappeared scholar, they must use all their wits and steel to navigate the landscape and politics of this strange wonderland and make it home again.

The Harrowing is an adventure for 9th-level characters, written for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and compatible with the 3.5 edition of the world’s oldest RPG. It features an entire plane of fanciful locations and characters inspired by the popular harrow deck of the Pathfinder campaign setting. In addition, you’ll find a brand-new monster and an optional rules subsystem allowing players to bend reality to their wills by using all 54 cards in the optional Pathfinder Campaign Setting Harrow Deck to manipulate the strange demiplane in which they adventure.

Here our GM did an outstanding job. We've only completed half of the adventure!

Here we had a reading with a mat I made for readings. It didn't really have any matches or opposites.

We went through a tunnel as as we went into another world the cards came with us!

Our first battle! Right after going through the gate to another world...

Boyo has given us a task to get him 8 tokens. Otherwise the party will never get back home...

Crazy Circus, that bears and giants attack us!

Tusk turns into Huge Hippo, and tries to wreak havoc!

A forge on the top of the mountains!

Lots of Wax Figures that we desecrated since we had fallen to many traps that were irritating.

The final building we explored. Here Tusk went unconcious! Very lucky to survive!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Merik 5.1 - PF Mod: Risen from the Sands

The deserts of Osirion—land of pharaohs and ancient tombs—hide not just untold wonders, but also unspeakable dangers. When the vast sand dunes part to reveal the ancient pyramid of the legendary Pharaoh of Sphinxes, glory seekers from across many nations race toward it, each fighting to be the first to claim its wonders. But the storied pharaoh doesn't rest quietly within this monument, and his tomb was designed to slaughter any who would dare trespass. 
A band of bold adventurers are the first to arrive, and stand poised to claim what’s risen from the sands—but they're unaware of the doom that lurks inside. With daring on their side and strange, rarely seen powers at their disposal, the heroes may be the only force capable of containing the force of evil within and defeating its curse! 
"Risen from the Sands" is a dungeon-based adventure for four 3rd-level characters, written for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and compatible with the 3.5 edition of the world's oldest RPG. It also provides four immediately playable previews of exciting new classes debuting in the upcoming Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide, as well as a thematic supplement to the new Mummy’s Mask Adventure Path.

This was a lot of fun. But we were rushed to complete in the 7 hour time period we had to play this module. Also each room became somewhat repetative with Statues coming to life, Undead requiring adamantine weapons to hurt, but the main puzzle in the middle of the Pyramid made it all worthwhile. Plus our GM had lots of nice minis.

Here Merik destroys one of the taxidermy statues while everyone else explores...

Beginning of the adventure, statue tramples us a few times...

Monday, December 21, 2015

Merik 4.3 - 07-05 School of Spritis

Seven years ago, Pathfinders entered Absalom’s shattered Precipice Quarter in pursuit of a ruby ring but also rescued a strange survivor. She has since grown to adulthood and exhibited a rebellious spirit connected to the ruined school where the Pathfinders found her. The woman’s family has contacted the Society, hoping that its agents can escort her back to the haunted site and unravel the Drownyard’s relentless mysteries.

This was a fun one, but a little fustrating because I hadn't done my research regarding leveling up my character...

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Tao 7.1 - 07-08: To Judge a Soul, Part 2: Karma Reclaimed - Heretic Games

Venture-Captain Bakten's past lives and the history of northern Tian Xia are interwoven, and with the PCs' assistance he has uncovered a troubling legacy secreted within the mountains of Zi Ha. It is up to the Pathfinders to ascend into the ice-capped mountains to unveil the crimes of past generations and save one of the region's greatest heroes.
Here our GM did an amazing job and allowed us to complete the adventure within the short time period we had. One of our players had to go see Star Wars!
Here my party was advancing on the Yeti, while I had it fascinated with Rainbow Pattern

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Coren 1.2 - Phantom Phenomena - GaymerX Con

Bizarre phenomena have tormented the people of southeastern Ustalav for decades, and these events become stronger and more dangerous every year. Hoping to uncover the origins of these flashes of red lightning and spectral hauntings, Dr. Quolorum from the Sincomakti School of Sciences has set out with a team of able-bodied assistants. Can the PCs help the professor unlock the secret that dwells above Lantern Lake?

Here I GM'ed this game for the second time. I had a few 5 Star GMs playing in my game that had fun I think. Also took lots of pictures of my 3D dungeon tiles I had made for each of the 6 combats.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Coren 1.1 - Wounded Wisp - GaymerX Con

More than 400 years have transpired since the Pathfinder Society began in a humble tavern that has quietly weathered the centuries without incident. When a routine errand there uncovers a clue left behind by one of the founding Pathfinders, it’s up to the PCs to solve a puzzle whose pieces are scattered across Absalom—and whose prize dates back to the Society’s darkest years.

Here I played a pre-gen character and applied the points to a new character that I'm working on. My tenth character!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Ace 3.2 - 07-06 To Judge a Soul, Part 1: The Lost Legacy - Heretic Games

When a samsaran dies, he is reborn again with few memories of his past lives. The cycle continues until he has earned a righteous place in the afterlife. After years of service and lifetimes of accomplishment, Venture-Captain Bakten nears the end of his noble existence and has begun investigating his past lives as a means of understanding Tian Xia's rich history. However, he cannot complete his research alone, and only with the PCs' assistance can they decipher the region's past.

Written by Scott Sharplin

Our GM did an excellent job of running this one. My character did a horrible job on not helping at all through the entire adventure. In which as a Bloodrager level 3, he only has a few redeeming attributes. I made this character to be funny and fun to role play. But as an aberrant bloodline, the familiar can only taunt NPCs during combat (unsuccessfully). I'm hoping once he turns level 4 he can do more...

Monday, October 12, 2015

Sallahtar 1.3 - 03-18 The God's Market Gamble - Endgame

Valuable relics of religious natures have been disappearing on their way into Absalom and the Pathfinder Society stands to lose countless irreplaceable artifacts if the cause isn't found. Amid the bustling markets of the God's Market in the shadow of the Starstone Cathedral, the Society sets a plan in motion to ensure the parties responsible for the recent thefts are caught and brought to justice.

This was very interesting because the adventure required a lot of role playing and not that much combat. Also the chase scenario was a lot of fun because our GM had customized it to something different then the original chase setup.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Sallahtar 1.2 - 04-07 Severing Ties - Endgame

The Pathfinder Society has discovered a new Aspis Consortium base in the pirate city of Riddleport and sends a small team of agents to infiltrate the rival cell disguised as newly hired mercenaries from Magnimar. After proving their value to the Aspis Consortium by carrying out a number of tasks throughout the City of Cyphers, the Pathfinders can learn the location of one of the consortium's local allies and ensure that the support the Aspis Consortium is counting on from their friends won't come.

Written by Ron Lundeen

#4–07: Severing Ties
Primary: The PCs perform at least one significant act of sabotage and leave evidence that the Aspis Consortium was behind the sabotage.
Secondary: The PCs perform three or more significant acts of sabotage.

Here the party was able to perform 3 acts of sabotage in the Cult of Lissala Safe House. Half the party was turned to stone at the beginning of the safe house! But they made it to the end.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Tao 6.3 - 04-21 Way of the Kirin

On the eastern continent of Tian Xia, the Pathfinder Society remains a small player in the greater political landscape, but Amara Li, head of the Lantern Lodge in the teeming city of Goka, has plans to change that. In order to secure the Pathfinder Society's place as an influential organization on the far side of the world from the Grand Lodge in Absalom, she must orchestrate an alliance with the mysterious Way of the Kirin. But the longtime rival of the Pathfinder Society, the Aspis Consortium, has plans to form an alliance of its own, and if the consortium succeeds, the Pathfinder Society's hopes of cementing their place in the Dragon Empires could be dashed forever.
Interesting moldy old decrepit manor that we had to guard through 2 rounds of attacks on the Manor
Here my Shaman was able to help. Casting Heaven's Leap to allow tank fighters to do full attack within their round of advancement into battle. Also cast fly on someone since there are numerous flying NPCs attacking the manor. As well as some healing and damage dealing.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Tusk 8.2 - 07-03 The Bronze House Reprisal

character levels 5-9

A recent assault on the Pathfinder Society has renewed hostilities with the Aspis Consortium, and clues left behind point to one of its masterminds: the gold agent Maiveer Sloan. By infiltrating one of the Consortium’s artifact-smuggling operations, the PCs can sabotage their rivals’ criminal operations and send a clear message: No attack will go unanswered.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Sallahtar 1.1 - Intro 1: First Steps—Part I: In Service to Lore

Written by Adam Daigle
In your first mission as a Pathfinder agent, the head of the Grand Lodge sends you on a number of missions throughout the metropolis of Absalom, pitting you against traps,thieves, and even an unruly devil, all in the pursuit of knowledge.

Here was a mystery room! We were scared!

Made my own Wayang Necroccultist mini!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Narakitul 8.1 - 06-98 Serpents Rise

Pathfinder RPG, Pathfinder Society, character level 7
Written by John Compton
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 7th-level pregenerated characters.
Years of political maneuvering, espionage, smuggling, and diplomacy have set the stage for the Aspis Consortium’s most ambitious attack on their Inner Sea rivals: the Pathfinder Society. All that remains are several key preparations that only an elite team of Aspis agents can arrange, and once the fireworks begin, these same agents must strike quickly and mercilessly to secure objectives—some shared and some connected to deeper plots—and escape without the Society being any the wiser.
In this adventure the players portray agents of the Aspis Consortium using 7th-level pregenerated characters. The events in this story also connect to and expand upon those in "Siege of Serpents".
This scenario is only available to be run by a 4 or 5 star GM, it also counts as an EX/Special towards the 5 star list.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Tao 6.3 - 07-00 The Sky Key Solution

At long last, the Pathfinder Society has reassembled the Numerian device known as the Sky Key. Initial tests suggest it is capable of projecting a location’s past into the present, allowing Society agents to peruse books from destroyed libraries and speak with echoes of long-dead heroes. Now that it has perfected the Sky Key’s controls, the Pathfinder Society is prepared to extract a slice of Absalom’s history and bring it into the present; however, there’s no telling what might be waiting inside—or who in the present might wish to wield the same power.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Merik 4.1 - 06-97 Siege of Serpents (Special) CORE CAMPAIGN

Pathfinder RPG, Pathfinder Society, character levels 1-11
Written by Jim Groves
The Pathfinder Society has opened its gates to visitors from across the world in anticipation of the Grand Convocation, a magnificent festival in which Pathfinders share tales of their exploits, show off their findings, and celebrate the Society’s accomplishments. However, an inopportune accident quickly spirals out of control when an old enemy attempts a brazen assault on the Pathfinders’ home, and an unexpected foe emerges from hiding to seek vengeance for the Society’s perceived crimes. Can the Pathfinders pacify the chaos and protect their guests while simultaneously defending the Grand Lodge?
"Siege of Serpents" is a multi-table interactive adventure in which each group’s actions contribute to the entire room’s success.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Merik 3.3 - 03-19 The Icebound Outpost

The Pathfinder Society discovers an Aspis Consortium base in an ancient Vudran temple now encased in a glacier and sends the PCs to infiltrate it and investigate the extent of the rival organization's regional operations. Can the PCs get in the well-guarded Aspis outpost and escape with their lives and the information the Society seeks?

Here our GM did an amazing job!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Ace 3.1 - 03–25 Storming the Diamond Gate

Agents of the Pathfinder Society have discovered the location of a back door into their private demiplane that puts the entire realm at risk of plunder and exploitation at the hands of the Aspis Consortium. Rather than close the access point into their adventuring paradise, however, the Decemvirate sends a crack team of Pathfinders to secure the gate for future Society use... at any cost.

This was really well done. I was surprised our GM was first time GM'ing for PFS.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Ace 2.3 - The Confirmation

Played The Confirmation again, which has allowed my Bloodrager to turn level 3!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Shallahtar 1.1 - 07-01 Between the Lines

Rival explorers have beaten the Pathfinders to a valuable site in Katapesh, but fortunately most of the riches—including the obscure text the Society sought in the first place—have ended up in the capitol’s extensive bazaars. What is at first a routine shopping trip spirals out of control as the PCs uncovers the writing’s secret past—and secret messages.

Here I GM'ed this game and made extremely irritating mistakes that caused the game play to slow down. I felt I did a pretty good job in the beginning, but the final mind-scape was choppy. Are are the things I SHOULD have done to make the final encounters enjoyable:

1. Mind-Scape Room To Room Transitions - Get each player's will save modifier, and roll their will saves silently for the players. That way as they go from room to room the will saves are automatic and seamless. Be very careful describing the 'weird' items in each room that will have the party transition to another room. With the private will save rolls, you can ensure the party feels like they are in a dream and reality keeps shifting as they go between the astral plane layers.

2. Shadow Conjuration Creatures - The will save modifier is also used for the shadow conjuration creatures the players fight. In which if they win/fail the save it modifies the damage the creature takes, as well as the amount of damage they can inflict.

"...Shadow conjurations are only one-fifth (20%) as strong as the real things, though creatures who believe the shadow conjurations to be real are affected by them at full strength. Any creature that interacts with the spell can make a Will save to recognize its true nature.
Spells that deal damage have normal effects unless the affected creature succeeds on a Will save. Each disbelieving creature takes only one-fifth (20%) damage from the attack. If the disbelieved attack has a special effect other than damage, that effect is only 20% likely to occur..."

3. Archivist Prep Before Battle - The Archivist deploys his Arrow Magnet before combat starts, not after it starts.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Tusk 8.1 04-10 Feast of Sigils

In Kaer Maga, the mysterious and dangerous cliffside City of Strangers in untamed Varisia, the Pathfinder Society will come face to face with a sect of the cult of Lissala who prey upon the city's most vulnerable denizens to increase their own power. To what end do they conduct the ancient Feast of Sigils ritual, and can the Pathfinders stop them before their evil plans come to fruition?
Written by Dennis Baker
I didn't really enjoy this one, the fights were fast paced and quick. And it was only a couple of fights that we had. Short and usual compared to other adventures.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Merik 3.2 - 01-48 The Devil We Know—Part IV: Rules of the Swift

Pathfinder RPG, Pathfinder Society, character levels 1-7
Written by Larry Wilhelm

In the conclusion of the Devil We Know campaign arc, you are called once more to Cassomir, where a mass abduction of the residents of Swift Prison has the entire town in a panic. Venture-Captain Hestia Themis once more partners you with an Aspis agent to see what link the Swift Prison event has to the earlier kidnapping of a Pathfinder agent. You will explore an empty prison, delve the tunnels below, and come face-to-face with the source of Cassomir's troubles in a vile grotto deep beneath the city.
Rules of the Swift is the fourth and final installment of the Devil We Know campaign arc.

Our Barbarian one shotted everything. I provided little bit of heals and bit of luck! ;)

Saturday, July 18, 2015